‹ Rustickode

Future of Software Development & Income

Oct 27, 2024

Working for yourself has advantages and disadvantages. I always wanted to build a business from scratch. It’s not because of the independence one get from their 9-5 day job, it’s about the freedom, and the challenging problems. All I am familiar with is web application development, and a bit of mobile application. Every technology advancements have a hype cycle. Gartner’s hype cycle, I kind of agree with, can be used as a framework for analysing a technology. We are currently in the peak of the cycle, I believe, and the change this time would be a new mark.

Impact on jobs especially in Software Development.

I work for a small business company mostly in a one person team in software development. We were planning to hire a junior developer for the trivial tasks, a year back, to speed-up the development process. After using the AI systems for quite sometime now, I can quite confidently say, we are not proceeding to go any further with the hiring process. Claude and ChatGPT systems are making my work a breeze.

It doesn’t matter which technology I work, the right prompt to these AI models could make you an expert within minutes. This really has a lot of potential, and I have tried it first hand with my projects Hellokea and Quillcaster. Fixing bugs, designing systems, tweaking css, and deploying it on the servers – is so much easier and enjoyable by using these models as an assistance.

If I could feel the difference in my day-to-day workflow, think of large corporations. The adoption of this technology could revolutionize how people work. There could be numerous changes in various level of organization structure, which could potentially end up in a competitive environment resulting in more job losses.

The future: Software development

It has become a norm for more than a decade, at least in the field of Information technology, the more experience you have, the pay grade increases. This trend might not going to last for a long time. Software developer with an experience of building application